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ULTRAMAX Ultramax Natural Organic 4in1
4 IN 1v.2

⦁ Immune System Builder & Defense Shield
⦁ Sexual Health Booster
⦁ Anti-Aging and Longevity
⦁ Brain and Memory Enhancement

Advanced Ultramax Natural Organic 4in1 Health Science Labs LLC.



Nature’s Medicine

The elder plant is a tall shrub that grows to 10 meters high. It is native to Europe. The parts used in herbs are the dried flower and leaf.

Combats colds & viruses

Elderberry is mainly used to treat colds, flu, dry coughs and sinusitis along with having anti-inflammatory actions. Elderberry extract combats free radicals and inflammation. Relieves coughs and congestion. Elder is a building block for the blood, cleanses the system, enhances immune system function, lowers fever, soothes the respiratory tract and stimulates circulation. It is effective against flu viruses and soothe skin irritations.


Nature’s Medicine

Astragalus is a perennial herb that grows up to 1 meter high. Most are native to northern China and some to high regions such as Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet. The herb is cultivated from the dried root from 4 to 7 year old plants collected in the spring before leaves appear or in the autumn after they have fallen. After the root is dug up, the crown and rootlets are removed, moistened, cut into thick slices and then usually sun dried.

Fights infections, builds immune cells, repairs immune system

Research has shown that astragalus works by stimulating several factors in the immune system, including enhancing the phagocytic activity of monocytes and macrophages, increasing interferon production and Ultramax Natural Organic 4in1 killer cell activity, improving T cell activity and other antiviral mechanisms.

Astragalus appears particularly useful in cases which the immune system has been damaged by chemicals or radiation. In immune-depressed mice, astragalus has been found to reverse T cell abnormalities caused by an immune suppressing drug, radiation and aging.

Astragalus is highly valued in Chinese medicine with a recorded use history of 2000 years for use against infections. Astragalus strengthens the digestion and stimulates the immune system. Astragalus is used to boost the immune system in people who frequently suffer from infections such as colds.

Astragalus is traditionally considered to benefit the body’s resistance, reduce swelling, promote suppuration (drains pus), regenerate tissue and replenish vital energy. Modern uses include prevention and treatment of the common cold and influenza; stomach ulcer, neurodermatitis and diabetes. Astragalus root is used in Fizheng Guben Therapy (Strengthening Body Defense Therapy).

Good for colds, flu and immune deficiency related problems. Effective for chronic lung weakness.

Improves stamina, metabolism, healing, energy levels
Aids adrenal gland function and digestion. Increases metabolism, promotes healing and provides energy to combat fatigue and prolonged stress. Increases stamina.


Nature’s Medicine

Reishi is a Japanese mushroom with a delicate texture, strong stems and well defined undersides. They have an antler or rounded fan shape, with the most popular type of reishi being red in color, although that is just one of the six colors in which they grow. These mushrooms are cultivated on dead trees and are very woody. They are generally not eaten in meals, but cooked for the flavor and nutrients and removed from dishes. They are attractive and have impressive health promoting properties. Reishi mushrooms enhance immune system function.
Reishi have been popular for at least two thousand years in the Far East. They were rated number one on ancient Chinese lists of superior medicines and were believed to give eternal youth and longevity.

Boosts immune system, fights viral infections

Clinical studies have shown reishi to be helpful in boosting the immune system and in the treatment of viral infections, including Hepatitis B.
Today Reishi mushrooms are used to treat a variety of disorders and to promote vitality. They are used to prevent high blood pressure and heart disease, to control and lower cholesterol, to build resistance to disease, and to treat fatigue and viral infections. They are also known to have anti-tumor properties.


Immune System Builder, Speeds wound healing

Zinc is considered one of the most important nutrients for the immune system as it is necessary for healthy antibody, white blood cells, thymus gland and hormone function. It is therefore vital in maintaining resistance to infection and in wound healing. Immune function is affected by zinc deficiency, which results in a decrease in the numbers of several types of T cells, Ultramax Natural Organic 4in1 killer cells and other components of the immune response. This leads to increased susceptibility to infection and wound healing. A high zinc intake aids protein synthesis and cell growth following any sort of trauma (burns, surgery, wounds, etc.)

Zinc also directly inhibits the growth of many viruses, including herpes simplex. It also inhibits the duration of common colds. Zinc promotes the destruction of foreign particles and microorganisms, acts as a protectant against free radical damage, acts synergistically with Vitamin A, is required for proper white blood cell function, and is a necessary cofactor in activating serum thymic factor.

Zinc increases the activity of the thymus gland, improves antibody responses and enhances the functioning of white blood cells. It has been shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria and possibly viruses. Zinc also boosts levels of interferon, a protein which is formed when cells are exposed to viruses and which helps fight infection.
Researchers at the University of Medicine of New Jersey, tested the effects of one year of supplementation with zinc on cellular immunity. The patients were either given a placebo, 15 mg of zinc or 100 mg of zinc daily for 12 months. The results showed improvements in immunity.

Zinc supplementation produces dramatic reversal of the low immune function characteristics of aging. One study assessed the effect of low dose zinc supplementation (20 milligrams per day) on nutritional and thymic hormone levels in institutionalized elderly subjects. The most telling effect was zinc supplementation produced a significant restoration in levels of thymulin, creating improved immune function.

In another double blind, randomized controlled trial published in 1998, researchers tested the effects of Zinc (25 mg) on people in Rome. The results showed that zinc supplementation improved immune response.

Deficiency of Zinc

Symptoms of zinc deficiency include frequent and/or severe infection, delayed wound healing, growth retardation, impotence, infertility, connective tissue disease, eczema on the face and hands, hair loss, poor sexual development, inflammatory bowel disease, loss of smell or taste, night blindness, dandruff, alcohol abuse, rheumatoid arthritis, mouth ulcers, white coating on the tongue, bad breath and mental apathy.
White spots on the fingernails may reflect zinc status.

Sexual Function Improvements

Zinc is perhaps the most critical trace mineral involved in sexual function. It is used in every aspect of reproduction, including hormone metabolism. In men, it is directly involved in sperm formation and sperm motility. Zinc deficiency is characterized by decreased testosterone levels and sperm counts.
In one study, men received a zinc supplement (60 mg) and sperm count increased from 8 to 20 million while testosterone levels also increased.

Skin Rejuvenation and elasticity

Normal skin function requires zinc. It is involved in oil gland function, local hormone activation, vitamin A binding protein formation, would healing, inflammation control and tissue regeneration. Zinc is required for protein synthesis and collagen formation.

Directly involved in Hormone Production

Zinc is necessary for secretion, synthesis and utilization of insulin. It also protects the insulin producing pancreatic beta cells against destruction. Zinc is also involved in the metabolism of the pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands, the ovaries and the testes. It is vital for healthy male sex hormone and prostrate function.

Improvement in Memory and Brain Function

Zinc deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the elderly and may be a major factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. In one study, patients with Alzheimer’s disease were given 27 mg of zinc daily. Only two patients failed to show improvement in memory, understanding, communication, and social contact. In one patient, the response was labeled “unbelievable” by both medical staff and family.

Brain neurotransmitters, Vision, Taste & Smell / Digestion

Zinc is necessary for the production of brain neurotransmitters. Health liver function and release of vitamin A from the liver both require zinc. Zinc is also necessary for maintenance of vision, taste and smell and is the most abundant trace mineral in the eye. It is involved in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and in the conversion of fatty acids, which regulates body processes such as heart rate and blood pressure. Zinc is necessary for muscle contraction and maintaining acid-alkali balance. It also helps detoxify alcohol.



Nature’s Medicine

Yohimbe is a tall evergreen forest tree with large, leathery leaves with upcurving veins that fade out at margins and white flowers arranged in clusters at the ends of the shoots. The tree is found in West Africa from southwestern Nigeria to Gabon. The herb comes from the bark, which is flattened and cut into pieces.

Aphrodisiac, Improves Genital nerve impulses, Libido

Yohimbe bark has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries. Biological activity mainly attributed to the Yohimbe includes aphrodisiac and stimulant activity. It creates general excitation, and increased motor activity. Aphrodisiac activity includes enlargement of blood vessels in the genitalia, transmission of nerve impulses to genital tissue and an increased reflex excitability in the sacral region of the spinal cord. Yohimbe has been applied in prescription drugs for impotence of vascular, diabetic or psychogenic origin.
A clinical study at Queens University in Ontario, Canada found that in impotent men, Yohimbe improved measurements of nocturnal penile tumescence in 43% of those studied.
Yohimbe increases libido and blood flow to erectile tissue.


Improves sexual function and physical performance
Tribulus has been used in traditional medicine to energize, vitalize and improve sexual function and physical performance. It has a demonstrated sexual enhancement benefit.


Nature’s Medicine
A shrub with small aromatic leaves about 1-2 cm long that grows up to 2 m high. The shrub is native to tropical America (Mexico, Texas, Central America, South America, and the West Indies). The herb comes from the dried leaf.

Powerful aphrodisiac in women and men / Ultramax Natural Organic 4in1 antidepressant
Damiana is widely believed to have aphrodisiac properties. Originally used in Central American medicine, damiana is a natural antidepressant that improves mood and boosts libido. It also enhances the action of testosterone. Damiana is used to treat depression, impotence and sexual problems of psychological origin in men and women. It is also used to reduce herpes outbreaks.
Stimulates delivery of oxygen to the genital area. Used as an energy tonic and aphrodisiac, and to remedy sexual and hormonal problems. It is also knows as a “sexuality tonic” for women.


Improves sexual function
Epimedium, the active component of horny goat weed increases blood flow and improves sexual function. It acts as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, similar to drugs used for ED.



Nature’s Medicine

Resveratrol has been identified in more than seventy species of plants, but the flesh of grapes is an especially good source. Red wine contains only 1.5 to 3 mg of resveratrol per liter.

The longevity herb / Antioxidant / Reduces plaque in arteries

Resveratrol has received a lot of attention as a longevity aid as it activates an enzyme, sirtuin 1, that plays an important role in the regulation of cellular life span; it also promotes insulin sensitivity. The benefits of resveratrol are very similar to the benefits noted in calorie restriction, but are obtained without actually reducing calorie intake.
Resveratrol belongs to a group of compounds called phytoalexins that plants produce in self-defense against environmental stressors, such as adverse weather or attack by insects or microorganisms. Resveratrol acts as an antioxidant and has also been shown to reduce the buildup of plaque in arteries. In addition to reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, animal studies demonstrate some anticancer effects and anti-inflammatory action.


The building block of skin, hair, nails, joints, blood vessels

Collagen forms the basis of connective tissue and acts as a cementing between cells, including skin, hair and nails. Collagen is also responsible for maintaining tendons, ligaments and cartilage. It helps support and protect blood vessels, bones, joints, organs and muscles, skin, tendons, cornea of the eye, ligaments, cartilage, teeth and bone. Collagen forms a protective barrier against infection and disease, and promotes healing of wounds, fractures and bruises.

Risks of Low Collagen

Poor collagen formation results in bone deformities, damaged blood vessels, reduced resiliency of skin and other internal and external linings of the body, including periodontal (gum) disease and premature skin aging. Free radicals damage collagen and create enzymatic cleavage of collagen.
Resveratrol belongs to a group of compounds called phytoalexins that plants produce in self-defense against environmental stressors, such as adverse weather or attack by insects or microorganisms. Resveratrol acts as an antioxidant and has also been shown to reduce the buildup of plaque in arteries. In addition to reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, animal studies demonstrate some anticancer effects and anti-inflammatory action.

Importance of Collagen to youthful hair, skin and nails

The enzyme lysyl oxidase is required to crosslink collagen and elastin, which keep essential to young and healthy hair, skin and nails.


Why you MUST take Chromium every day

After a meal, the body responds to the rise in blood glucose levels by secreting insulin. Insulin lowers blood glucose by increasing the rate that glucose is taken up by cells throughout the body. Disease like diabetes, hypoglycemia, obesity and excess stress disturb this normal process. In 1957, researchers Walter Mertz and Kenneth Schwartz isolated a compound called Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF). This substance restored impaired glucose function. Chromium was identified as the active component of GTF. Chromium’s key benefit is helping insulin work properly.

The average American diet is chromium deficient. Only one in ten Americans has an adequate amount of chromium in his or her diet. Supplemental chromium is best absorbed by the body when it is taken in a form called chromium picolinate, which enables chromium to readily enter into the body’s cells, when the mineral can then help insulin do its job much more effectively.

Prolong Life and boost bone building and bone density & prevent osteoporosis; Glaucoma

Studies have shown that chromium picolinate supplements can prolong life. This effect may be due to lowering of blood glucose levels similar to that seen in life prolonging calorie restrictions studies.
Chromium helps boost the bone-building effects of insulin and has a role in the maintenance of bone density and prevention of osteoporosis.
A case controlled study of eye patients found that chronic glaucoma was associated with a deficiency in chromium.

Improves Blood Sugar, lowers harmful LDL & raises beneficial HDL cholesterol, lowers triglyceride and lipid levels, treats hypoglycemia

A study published in 1997 shows that daily chromium supplements helps control blood sugar levels. The study was conducted by researchers at the US Department of Agriculture and Beijing Medical University involving 180 people. The participants were divided into 3 groups. One group was given 1000 mcg of chromium picolinate, the second was given 200 mcg and the third group was given a placebo. After two months, the researchers assessed blood sugar and cholesterol levels. In the 1000 mcg group, levels were significantly reduced. In the 200 mcg group, it took four months to see a reduction in blood sugar levels.
Chromium supplements have been shown to reduce blood fat levels. In a study done in 1994 in San Antonio, Texas researchers found that chromium picolinate supplements taken for a period of two months significantly reduced triglyceride levels.
Chromium supplements have been shown to improve blood cholesterol and lipid levels in both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. Chromium reduces total (harmful) LDL cholesterol levels while raising beneficial HDL cholesterol levels. In a study published in 1996, researchers assessed the effects of daily supplements of chromium and results showed lowered total and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose concentrations.
In a double blind study, 200 mcg chromium was given twice daily to patients for three months, who have hypoglycemic symptoms. These symptoms were alleviated and the glucose nadir was reduced two to four hours after glucose load. In addition, insulin binding improved and the number of insulin receptors increased.

Ultramax Natural Organic 4in1 Depression Treatment

A double blind study of patients with depression were given 400 mcg of chromium picolinate per day, which was increased to 600mcg, while other patients received a placebo. Of the patients with chromium, 70% responded positively to the treatment vs. 0% for the placebo patients.

Improves lean body mass and Ultramax Natural Organic 4in1 weight loss

Chromium has gained a great deal of attention as an aid to weight loss. These effects are caused by the increased insulin sensitivity from chromium.
In one study, patients were given chromium picolinate in dosages of 0 mcg, 200mcg or 400mcg. Patients taking 200 and 400 mcg lost an average of 4.2 pounds of fat, while the placebo group lost only 0.4 pounds of fat. Even more impressive was the chromium group’s muscle gain, 1.4 pounds of muscle vs. 0.4 pound of muscle for the placebo group. In elderly subjects the results were even more striking; the men taking chromium picolinate lost more than 7 times the body fat as those taking the placebo.
A 1997 study done in Austria assessed the effects of chromium on lean body mass in 36 obese patients during and after weight reduction with a very low calorie diet. During the 26 week treatment period, subjects received either placebo or 200 mcg of chromium in a double blind manner. After 26 weeks, chromium picolinate supplemented patients showed increased lean body mass whereas the other treatment group still had reduced lean body mass.
A 1997 study done by the University of Texas at Austin examined the effects of 400 mcg of chromium and exercise training on young obese women. The results showed that exercise combined with chromium supplementation resulted in significant weight loss and lowered the insulin response to an oral glucose load.
Chromium benefits people with binge eating disorders. In those given a dose of as little as 600mcg of chromium picolinate, blood sugar was lowered, body weight went down and the urge to eat was reduced.

Important for Active Individuals

Active, athletic individuals, people who engage in vigorous aerobic activities and consume higher amounts of carbohydrates than the general population have higher chromium requirements than non-athletes.


Improves memory, fights obesity, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes

The primary role of DHEA is as a precursor for other hormones in the human body. Because DHEA levels tend to decline with aging, DHEA offers protection against the effects of aging. Studies have demonstrated that declining levels of DHEA are linked to such conditions as diabetes, obesity, elevated cholesterol levels, heart disease, arthritis, and autoimmune diseases.

DHEA enhances memory and improves mental function as well as increasing muscle strength and lean body mass, improving immune function and enhancing quality of life in aging men and women.

IT also has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. In a two year study, 50mg of DHEA were given once per day or a placebo. DHEA replacement therapy improved insulin sensitivity, reduced plasma triglycerides and lowered inflammation markers.



Nature’s Medicine

The ginkgo tree is the only survivor of the world’s oldest living tree species and are found in Zhejiang forests in China. The Gingko tree can be traced back more than 200 million years to the fossils of the Permian period. The Gingko tree was almost completely destroyed during the Ice Age.

In herbal medicine it was believed that plants were signed by God with some visible clue that would indicate their therapeutic use. This concept is known as the “doctrine of signatures.” Ginkgo’s signature is its long life and resistance to insects, disease and pollution.

This deciduous tree grows to 40 meters tall and has leaves that are in clusters of 3 to 5. The leaves have parallel veins and are broad and fan shaped and are up to 12 cm wide, with a notch at the apex, forming two distinct lobes, known as “biloba”. The fruits have a pulp surrounding a single smooth, oval, thin shelled edible nut.

The Smartness Herb – memory, mental function

Ginkgo biloba is widely known as the “smartness herb” of our time. It has been reported in scientific journals to enhance blood circulation and to increase the supply of oxygen to the heart, brain, and all bodily parts. This makes it useful for improving memory and relieving muscle pains. It also acts as an antioxidant, has anti-aging effects, reduces blood pressure and his helpful for vertigo, hearing loss and impotence.

Benefits Brain & Nerve Health

Ginkgo Biloba assists your body in naturally manufacturing Phosphatidylserine, which is used in the treatment of depression and impaired mental function. Countless studies have linked phosphatidylserine with improved depressive symptoms, memory improvement and behavior and does this without affecting serotonin or MOA transmitters. It is also responsible for reducing cortisol response to stress, which is often elevated in depressed patients.

It has many valuable effects including stabilizing cell membranes, reducing free radical damage, improving blood circulation and enhancing oxygen and glucose use. Ginkgo is particularly beneficial for brain, nerves and blood vessels. Ginkgo is used to treat senile conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease; hardening of the arteries and depression. It is also used as a treatment for insufficient blood circulation to the brain and peripheral vessels.
Ginkgo leaf extract has inhibitory activity in cerebral edema, and inhibits neurotoxicity; modulates cerebral energy metabolism; free radical scavenging properties.

Natural Treatment for Depression

In a double blind study, patients with depression who were not fully benefiting from standard antidepressant drugs were given 80mg of Gingko Biloba daily or a placebo. By the end of the eighth week,

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)

Research shows that those who take 80 to 120 mg per day of ginkgo biloba improved their ADHD condition. These studies showed improvements in attentiveness, lower hyperactivity and better socialization.

Relieves Premenstrual Syndrome symptoms

A randomized placebo controlled clinical trial evaluating ginkgo biloba extract gave 80mg twice per day to reproductive age women who had fluid retention, breast tenderness and vascular congestion. Evaluation of the results showed that the dosage was effective against PMS symptoms, particularly breast pain and breast tenderness.
In another study, women were given ginkgo biloba daily or a placebo. Overall severity of symptoms in the ginkgo group was 34.8 before treatment and fell to 11.11 after treatment, comparable to the placebo group that saw very little change.

Increases Longevity

Many symptoms common in the elderly are a result of insufficient blood and oxygen supply. Ginkgo biloba extract has demonstrated beneficial effects in improving blood and oxygen supply to the brain and as a result may help improve a number of common symptoms of aging, including short term memory loss, dizziness, headache, ringing in the ears, hearing loss and depression.

Improves cognitive performance in Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia

In a study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1997, US researchers conducted a 52 week, randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial, involving mildly to severely demented outpatients with Alzheimer’s disease or multi-infarct dementia. They used tests to assess the cognitive functioning of the patients and also included assessments by caregivers of the patients as part of the outcome measurement. The results showed that the ginkgo extract stabilized and in a substantial number of cases, improved the cognitive performance and the social functioning of demented patients for six months to one year.

Ginkgo biloba extract helps enable a person to maintain a normal life and stay away from being put in a nursing home. In one study, patients with a preliminary diagnosis of senile dementia received either 80 mg of Ginkgo Biloba extract or placebo for 3 months. Patients were assessed by standard tests and brain wave studies (EEG tracings) at baseline and at 1, 2 and 3 months. Results indicated that Ginkgo Biloba extract improved all parameters, usually in the first month, compared to the placebo. Consistent with other studies with Ginkgo Biloba extract, the longer it is used the more obvious the benefits become.


Nature’s Medicine

Curcumin is a perennial herb that grows about 1 meter high with a thick rhizome (underground stem) from which arise large, oblong and long leaves. The rhizome has a tough brown skin and deep orange flesh. Curcumin plants are native to southern Asia, China and Indonesia. The part used is in the herb is the boiled and sun-dried rhizome. India is the major producer of turmeric (up to 94% of the annual world production). Curcumin is the yellow pigment in turmeric and is the active ingredient. It has been cultivated since 3000 BC. Even though Arab traders introduced turmeric into Europe in the thirteenth century, it has only become well known in Western cultures only recently.
Turmeric is a commonly used curry spice. Turmeric’s flavor is peppery, warm, and bitter. While its fragrance is mild, it is slightly reminiscent of orange and ginger. Turmeric powder was traditionally referred to as “Indian saffron” as it’s deep yellow-orange color is reminiscent of saffron.

Brain Protective Agent

Regarding its potential as a brain protective agent, population studies showed that in elderly Indian populations, in whose diet turmeric is a common spice, levels of neurological disease, such as Alzheimer’s, were very low. Studies have shown that curcumin slows the progression of Alzheimer’s. In addition turmeric helps in the prevention of degenerative neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease.

Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Health Benefits

In numerous studies curcumin’s anti-inflammatory effects have been shown to be comparable to those of the potent drugs hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone, as well as over the counter anti-inflammatory agents, such as ibuprofen, but unlike those drugs, curcumin does not have the toxic side effects. Other clinical studies have further substantiated curcumin’s anti-inflammatory effects, including a clinical effect in rheumatoid arthritis.

Clinical studies have also substantiated that curcumin exerts very powerful antioxidant effects. Curcumin’s antioxidant actions enable it to protect healthy cells from free radicals that can damage cellular DNA and lead cancer. This action is significantly beneficial to areas of the body such as the lining of the colon, where cell turnover is quite rapid – approximately every three days. Because of this frequent replication, mutations in the DNA of colon cells can result in the formation of cancerous cells much more quickly.

The Cancer Fighting King

Curcumin has antioxidant properties that prevent the formation of and neutralize free radicals. It stops precancerous changes within DNA and interferes with enzymes necessary for cancer progression. Curcumin also blocks toxic compounds from reaching or reacting with body tissues.
Curcumin has been found to inhibit carcinogens such as benzopyrene (the carcinogen found in charcoal cooked meat) from inducing cancer in research studies. The curcumin exerts its anti-carcinogenic activity by lowering the activation of carcinogens while increasing the detoxification of those that are activated. Curcumin has been shown to directly inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
In a study of chronic smokers, those who took curcumin excreted a substantially lower level of mutagens in their urine, a reflection of how well the body is dealing with these cancer causing substances. In one study smokers were given 1.5g of turmeric per day. At the end of the 30 day study, the smokers receiving the turmeric demonstrated a significant reduction in the level of mutagens excreted in the urine. This result is quite significant, as the level of urinary mutagens is thought to correlate with the systemic load of carcinogens and the efficacy of detoxification mechanisms.

Ultramax Natural Organic 4in1 antidepressant, fights toxins

Curcumin is has antidepressant effects. Curcumin stops the oxidation of cholesterol, thus protecting against the formation of plaque in the arteries.
Impressive findings were noted for people with pre-diabetes. In a well-designed research study, taking curcumin reduced the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. No one who got the curcumin developed diabetes over the nine month period, while 16% of those who were not given the curcumin did develop diabetes. The curcumin seems to improve the ability of the pancreas to make insulin.
Curcumin protects the liver against toxins and improves blood vessel health. It has antibiotic, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory (COX-2 enzyeme) properties. Good for all arthritic conditions. Curcumin has been shown to stop the proliferation of rapidly dividing cancer cells.

Recovery Enhancing Agent in Athletes

Curcumin is as effective as cortisone or the potent anti-inflammatory drug phenylbutazone. However, while phenylbutazone and cortisone are associated with significant toxicity, curcumin is without side effects.


Nature’s Medicine

Brahmi is a flowering plant native to India and other parts of Asia. It is known as Bacopa Monnieri and Herb of Grace.

Memory, Cognitive Function Booster and Attention (ADHD)

Brahmi has been used in Indian medicine for eons for its many health benefits, including improved memory, reducing stress, and boosting cognitive function. Brahmi contains antioxidants that protect the brain from damage and helps increase the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is important for memory and learning.
In a study of people who took Brahmi for 12 weeks, patients showed significant improvements to their memory scores on a standardized test. In another study of people who took Brahmi for 8 weeks, patients showed significant improvements on their scores on a test of learning new information.
Brahmi helps improve attention. In one study, people who took Brahmi for 8 weeks showed significant improvement on attention scores.

Stress and Anxiety Reducer

Brahmi reduces stress and anxiety. It has been shown to have calming effects on the mind and body. In a study of Brahmi with people who took it for 8 weeks, significant reductions in their levels of stress and anxiety were shown.

Immune System Booster / Anti-inflammatory / Anti-cancer

Brahmi contains compounds that helps to boost the immune system and is helpful in preventing and fighting off infections. Brahmi has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and improves skin health. Test tube and animal studies have found that it possesses anti-cancer properties and reduces inflammation and blood pressure.


The Key to Your Body’s Energy Production

Coenzyme Q10 is involved in energy production in cells. It is widely used in Japan, where more than 12 million people in that country are taking it at the direction of their physicians. It is necessary for the formation of ATP, a compound which acts as an energy currency of all body processes. CoQ10 functions to transfer energy and oxygen between the blood and the body’s cells. Older people need more CoQ10 as levels of this vital nutrient appears to decline with age. It is believed that 75 percent of people over fifty may be deficient in CoQ10.

A good analogy for CoQ10’s role is similar to the role of a spark plug in a car engine. Just as the car cannot function without that initial spark, the human body cannot function without CoQ10. Research indicates that CoQ10 supplementation provides significant benefit as an antioxidant and in the treatment of a number of health disorders. CoQ10 is quote popular in Japan, where it is currently one of the top pharmaceutical agents used. Since the response of CoQ10 can take time, a clinical response might not occur until 8 or more weeks after therapy begins.
Coenzyme Q10 is used by many health care professionals to treat anomalies of mental function. It is used to treat schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease and autism.

Powerful Antioxidant Properties

Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant and protects against free radical damage to cell structure and inhibition of lipid peroxidation. Healing of skin wounds as well as peptic ulcers have been reported for turmeric.

Sexual Health

Increased sperm motility suggests androgenic affect.

CoQ10 Deficiency

CoQ10 deficiency leads to neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease along with a wide range of other conditions including cancer, muscular dystrophy, diabetes, obesity, periodontal (gum) disease and lowered immune function. CoQ10 is essential for proper heart function.

Repairs Immune System

Tissues and cells involved with immune function are highly energy dependent and therefore require and adequate supply of CoQ10 for optimal function. Several studies document an immune enhancing effect of CoQ10.
In another study, patients were treated for long periods of time with CoQ10 (60 mg per day). The level of immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the serum of these patients significantly increased after 27 to 98 days of CoQ10 treatment, creating an increase in immune function.

Weight Loss

In one study, serum coenzyme Q10 levels were found to be low in 52 percent of the obese subjects tested. Subjects were given 100 mg per day of CoQ10 and after 8 to 9 weeks compared to those who were not diagnosed with low levels. Mean weight loss in the CoQ10 deficient group was 13.5 kilograms compared to just 5.8 kilograms in those with initially normal levels of CoQ10.

Essential for Heart Health

Cardiovascular diseases including angina, hypertension, mitral valve prolapse and congestive heart failure are diseases that require increased levels of CoQ10.
CoQ110 deficiency is common in individuals with heart disease. Heart tissue biopsies in patients with various heart diseases show a CoQ10 deficiency in 50 to 75% of cases. One of the most metabolically active tissues in the body, the heart may be unusually susceptible to the effects of CoQ10 deficiency. CoQ10 has shown great promise in the treatment of angina. A study of patients with stable angina pectoris was treated with 150 mg per day for four weeks in a double blind study. Compared with placebo, CoQ10 reduced the frequency of angina attacks by 53%. In addition, there was a significant increase in treadmill exercise tolerance (time to onset of chest pain and time to development of ECG abnormalities) during CoQ10 treatment. The results of this study suggest that CoQ10 is effective treatment for angina pectoris.

Performance Enhancing Agent in Athletes

In one study, healthy sedentary men (mean age 21.5 years old) performed a bicycle ergometer test before and after taking coenzyme q10 (60 mg per day) for 4 to 8 weeks. CoQ10 treatment improved performance parameters, including work capacity at submaximal heart rate, maximal work load, maximal oxygen consumption and oxygen transport. These improvements were evident after about 4 weeks of therapy. The study suggests that CoQ10 supplements improve physical performance in sedentary individuals. CoQ10 might also improve the performance of trained athletes and relieve fatigue.
